On top of the round based maps, I think a zombues campaign would be sick. On top of the old maps, they can launch with a new map with new mechanics (adding to the list of potential game mechanics), and add a new zombies map every 2-3 months

Obviously, each map would have to be reworked a little for each separate game mechanics, but with a lot of work put into it im sure it could be done. With something like this, it'd mean that if a player prefers bo2s mechanics over the rest then they could play every map with those mechanics and enjoy them all even more, or if someone prefers the easier approach to cold war then it'd suit them to pick that, basically everyone would be happy.

or you could play a map like moon with cold war mechanics so the triple pap, armor, crafting table etc). It would surely take years to develop, but at launch it'd be great if it had every treyarch zombies map remastered, and a unique feature that allows you to play each map with whatever zombies game mechanics you want to use for that particular map (for example, you could play der eisendrache with bo1 mechanics, which would have the 2 hit system, dolphin diving, bo1 perks, bo1 weapons etc. Instead of having zombies as a 3rd mode every treyarch game, zombies should be its own call of duty game that's co standby updating and evolving.

Activision are only interested in money, and imo a standalone zombues game would sell far better than vanguard so it wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Due to the lack of funding and development time that seems to be going into zombies for the past few years, this couldn't be a better time to make a standalone game.